Tivoli kiosk

    Here you can buy churros (new!), sausages, glasses & coffee.

    In the middle of the fun you will find the Tivolikiosken! This year you can find delicious churros in the menu! Also other goodies such as sausages, ice cream cones with sprinkles and toppings, of course there is also a steaming cup of coffee.

    Menu at Tivoli Kiosk

    Here you can buy both churros and boiled/grilled sausage! Perfekt for the entire family!


    Churros cinnamon/sugar
    65 SEK
    Churros with soft ice cream
    75 SEK
    Churros with nutella
    75 SEK
    85 SEK

    Churros and small coffee


    Sausage menu
    SEK 49

    Grilled/boiled sausage with bun and soda.

    French hot dog menu
    SEK 59

    French hot dog and soda.

    Children menu
    SEK 39

    Grilled/boiled sausage with bun and small MER.

    SEK 25
    French hot dog
    SEK 35


    SEK 27/30/33
    SEK 30
    SEK 35/39
    SEK 35

    Allergy or special diet?

    Are you allergic or intolerant to anything? In all places where we serve food there are binders with lists of ingredients that you can ask to see. We have plenty of gluten and lactose free options.